Give Now
Please click on the Donate button below to be directed to our secure site. You can make a one-time gift or choose to make it an automatic monthly gift. We appreciate the support of everyone who contributes to our organization. Your tax-deductible gift is greatly appreciated and is used to continue the ministry!
Other Ways to Give
Checks can be mailed to New Beginnings at PO Box 313, Spencer, IN 47460
Use your bank’s bill pay service to automatically send checks to New Beginnings each month
Contact us to set up ACH bank transfers
Use the Donate button on our Facebook page
Material Donations
For those who would like to make a donation of clothes, diapers (size N - 6), pull-ups, wet wipes, baby food, and other necessary items for children, you may drop off items at our center at 189 S. Main St, Spencer, Indiana during our open hours or contact us to make other arrangements. For suggestions of items currently needed, visit our Amazon Wish List.